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Asinara Sailing di Giorgio Cavallini via Cala Sabina 1ª trv 1/b

07040 Stintino (SS) P.I. 02434160905

Porto di stazionamento:

Porto Turistico Marina di Stintino


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Telefono +39 3929871178                    +39 3289337848




-© Asinara Sailing-
-Sito realizzato da Giorgio Cavallini-


If you have never heard of the Island ofAsinara, get ready to discover a territory rich in charm, a paradise in the Mediterranean Sea, an island that will make you dream thanks to its beauty and that will enchant you with its history that is so unique and exciting.

In the North-West of Sardinia, this Island has always been at the centre of the routes de peoples navigators of all the mediterranean and not only the first human settlements date back from 1800 b.c.

With 51 km2 it is the 5th island of Italy for size, has a shape very irregular, with a length that exceeds the 18 km and a width that varies from 290 meters in the narrowest point up to 7 km in the northern part.

The surface is composed of outcropping rock and the poor vegetation, the mediterranean maquis and only in the North, in the area called the "Elighe Mannu" is this a forest area.

The 4 mountains are a small chain and confirm the appearance of a discontinuous island, the most high, the ruler of the Tip Excommunication in the Northern area of the island reaches the 408 mt.

The perimeter of over 110km is very heterogeneous, the West side has a coast is very rocky and sheer on the sea, however, there are hauls from the sandy bottom and the bright colors that characterize this stretch of the sea, Porto Mannu Real, Cala Cap or Cala Sgombro di Fuori are just a few examples.

Vice versa, on the East side of theAsinara island , its coast very sweet, on this side there are the most beautiful and famous beaches, some inaccessible as Cala Sant'andrea, the other accessible only by sea, such as Cala of the Boats from Naples or the Port of the White.

OnAsinara, there are also the water reservoirs and numerous springs.

L'Asinara island becomes a National Park with a Marine Protected Area annexed in 1997.

The Phoenicians and the Greeks sailed and landed on its coasts and the Romans named the Island of Hercules, giving echo to a legend, which told how the great navigator, a Greek, was crowned by the Sardinians to their King.

Still, the Romans renamed the island Sinuaria, for the rich presence of inlets, bays and coves.

Its location made it a crossroads of many raids, and as a strategic point was contested by the different peoples of the Mediterranean basin.

Under the reign of the Savoys, in the second half of the 18th century, it began a gradual colonization which with not a few vicissitudes around the 1830's brought the population to about 300 units. Towards the end of the century, the nearly 100 families that resided on the island were forced to leave l'Asinara. King Umberto 1°, he signed a decree which aimed to transform the island into a lazzareto with station quarantenaria maritime and an agricultural penal colony.

The last 45 families who left the island with the intervention of the army, they moved into a land uninhabited, the current territory of Stintino.

During the 1st world war the island was used as a place of deportation for thousands of prisoners, the Serbs and Austro-Hungarians. After the battles in Ethiopia in 1937, hundreds of African soldiers were confined. L'Asinara was involved in spite even in the episodes relating to the 2nd world war.

By the mid-60s began the first attempts to try to free L'Asinara , to value and to start to exploit its tourist potential environmental, unfortunately, the facts of the chronicle of those years related to the red brigades and the mafia dictated the calendar of this change. In fact the island that housed the penal colonies and the ramifications of the prison, was chosen as the place where to apply the hard prison. Many were held to be "excellent" that have stayed on the island ofAsinara, one of Totò Riina.

After decades of inaccessibility, the Island finally returns for free in 1997.

Over the years, an intense exploitation of resources has characterized the environmental change dell'Asinara.

Regarding the flora, there are on the island more than 700 botanical species, 5% of which are endemic and also for the presence of fauna on the Island has changed over time, marimangono however numerous the species: invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.


The National park of Asinara
