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Asinara Sailing di Giorgio Cavallini via Cala Sabina 1ª trv 1/b

07040 Stintino (SS) P.I. 02434160905

Porto di stazionamento:

Porto Turistico Marina di Stintino


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Telefono +39 3929871178                    +39 3289337848




-© Asinara Sailing-
-Sito realizzato da Giorgio Cavallini-
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 

Program full day excursion in the Park and the Marine Protected Area


The departure is from the Tourist Harbour of Marina di Stintino and after about 30 minutes of navigation we reach the waters of the Marine Protected Area.

Immersed in the beautiful setting of the National Park of Asinara on board a modern and comfortable Sailing Boat of 10.50 mt, you can visit both by sea and by land, the most beautiful places of this charming and wild Island Park.

Coastal navigation will allow you to appreciate the morphology of the island with all its imposing beauty.

The tones of the sea ranging from deep blue to turquoise typical of these zones will leave you breathless.

When you do the bathing in the most beautiful coves and pristine, the feeling will be that of swimming in an aquarium open to the sky.
The condition of the Marine Protected Area, in fact, makes the waters rich with fish of many species that do not fear man, but on the contrary, they are intrigued.
Visits on the ground will lead to the discovery of the main points of interest such as the Prison, the rehabilitation Centre for sea Turtles or the coves that cannot be reached via the sea.
During the navigation, it will not be difficult to spot herds of Dolphins.
So for the fans it will be possible to see several species of Birds, marine and not.
In walks the ground, you will also find the famous White Donkeys, have become the symbol of the Island, and many other wild animals.

Lunch is served on board in one of the coves of the island.

The route and stops are decided on a daily basis, in order to satisfy the wishes of the guests, but especially taking into account the marine and weather conditions.


Port of departure: Touristic Harbour of Marina di Stintino


What you need to bring with you


Solar cream. Our council is a factor of prtezione high.


Towel, costume and equipment you consider necessary to make the bathroom.


Bring a sweatshirt or something else to be able to cover.


The slippers are also ideal for when you go to the ground. On board you are barefoot.


On board we have the necessary material for first aid, but if you have allergies or need medicines, always remember to bring them with you

Time 9:30 - 17:30about

What you will find on board

Informative material on the island of Asinara

Mask and Snorkel. Lifesaver

For the less experienced in swimming.

The water during the navigation and lunch.

Lunch is included and includes: appetizer, first course, fruit, coffee and digestif, with wine and water. We try to use only local products.

Please report any food intolerances.

The service is on board.


About us
